1. How do you get to Örö?
You can take the ferry from Kasnäs, Kimitoön, to Örö Fortress Island. More information can be found on our website: https://www.visitoro.fi/saapuminen/.
It is also possible to reach Örö by private boat or even by paddling. The island has a guest harbor, and more information and coordinates can be found here: https://www.visitoro.fi/satama/.
2. Are the services open year-round?
Örö is open all year! Outside the summer season, restaurant services are available by pre-order. The archipelago is a fantastic experience during autumn storms, the calm of winter, and the spring when nature awakens again.
3. Is there a beach?
On Örö's map, two sandy beaches are marked in the sheltered bays of Solkuro and Balget (https://www.luontoon.fi/saaristomeri/palvelut/oro). You can also carefully swim from the cliffs, as is typical in the archipelago. From the floating sauna by the shore sauna, you can take a dip during the day before private sauna sessions begin at 3 PM.
4. Are pets allowed?
Yes, of course! Please note that pets must be kept on a leash within the national park. Pets are welcome to stay everywhere except in the hotel's two allergy rooms and shared accommodations (hostel). The pet fee is paid upon booking. In the restaurant, well-behaved pets are welcome at tables near the door or on the terrace. In the summer, cows graze on Örö, and sometimes there are also sheep. Dogs are not allowed inside animal enclosures.
5. Is there space in the harbor or hotel?
The current accommodation availability can be checked on Örö's website. For same-day bookings, you can call the info desk at +358 40 144 7773. The guest harbor fills up on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is impossible to know in advance if space will be available later the same day or the next day. During the summer season, harbor staff assist with mooring, and so far, everyone has always found a spot! Harbor places can be reserved in advance via Satamapaikka.com.
6. Can I anchor in the bay if the harbor is full?
Anchoring is prohibited in Örö's waters. This restriction protects the seabed, which is an important part of the national park.
7. How can I get to Örö without a car?
During the summer season, Vainion Liikenne operates to Kasnäs harbor from Turku and Helsinki. Buses run to Dalsbruk, about 17 km from Kasnäs, year-round. You can combine your trip to Örö with an overnight stay at one of the accommodations in southern Kimitoön. Local taxi services can be found in the Kimitoön service guide (https://ksg.fi/fi/category/61/taksi). Up-to-date bus schedules are available through Matkahuolto or https://vainionliikenne.fi/fi/.
8. How can I get from Örö to Bengtskär Lighthouse?
There is no regular transportation on this route. Wilson Charter operates to Bengtskär and may offer transfer rides in June and August on an irregular basis. However, the schedule is often confirmed only a day in advance. You can inquire directly with Wilson Charter close to your travel date. Private taxi boat transportation can be arranged, for example, through Taxi Boat Örö – Janne Tirkkonen (050 3888 001) janne.tirkkonen@visitoro.fi.
9. Can I cycle on the nature trails?
Cycling is allowed on the larger roads, which are marked in white on the map. Cycling elsewhere is prohibited due to the fragile nature.
10. How long does it take to cycle around the island?
The island cannot be fully cycled around, but a bike is a great way to get from one adventure spot to another. The "Pitkä Ikävä" road, which runs from the southern tip to the northern tip, is about 3.5 km long. The distance from the guest harbor to the southern tip is about 2.6 km. The roads are mostly unpaved, old cobblestone roads.
11. Where can I do laundry?
There are no laundry facilities on the island.
12. What are the strange objects hanging from the trees?
These are related to butterfly research conducted by Jaakko Kullberg since the 1990s. The hanging objects are butterfly traps, and the lights along the shores attract moths. Over 1,700 butterfly species have been recorded on Örö, which is a significant number considering that approximately 2,600 species have been identified in Finland.
13. I have booked a return trip from Örö to the mainland at 16:00 but would like to leave earlier. Is that possible?
Wilson Charter operates between Örö and Kasnäs. For ferry-related matters, please contact them directly: https://www.wilsoncharter.fi/
14. I'm taking the connection ferry Stella to the mainland. From which harbor does it depart?
Depending on the weather, Stella may depart from either the northern harbor or the southern guest harbor. Confirm the departure time and harbor by calling the ferry at 040 6756441. Please note that Stella's trips must be booked no later than the previous day. More information is available on Meritie's website: https://meritie.fi/aikataulut/ (Hiittinen route area).
15. I'm taking the connection ferry to the mainland. How long does it take to walk from the hotel to the northern harbor?
The distance is 2.5 km, which takes about 35–40 minutes at a brisk walking pace. In hot summer weather, it's advisable to allow extra time. You should be at the dock at least 10 minutes before departure.
16. Does the restaurant lunch include vegan or vegetarian options?
A vegetarian option is always available. Please inform us in advance about any other dietary restrictions.
17. Where are the best places to see butterflies?
Butterflies can be spotted on the dry heaths in the central part of the island. The Apollo butterfly prefers the southern tip of the island.
18. We are staying in the holiday apartments. Why is the water pressure so low?
All fresh water on the island is produced using a reverse osmosis system. Water pressure varies depending on overall water consumption, and the holiday apartments are at the end of the pipeline. Unfortunately, there is no quick solution to this issue in an island setting, but the matter is being discussed with Metsähallitus, which owns the island.
19. We came for a short day trip with our own boat. Do we need to pay for docking?
A small fee is usually required for day visits as well. The current price list is available here: https://www.visitoro.fi/satama/
20. Where is the campfire site on Örö?
There is a small grill area in the harbor. Bring your own charcoal! Charcoal is usually available for purchase on-site. Open fires are strictly prohibited elsewhere on the island!
21. We have a gas grill on our boat. Where can we use it?
For safety reasons, gas grills and open flames are not allowed on boats. You can bring your grill to the harbor's grill area and cook there.
22. I need a quiet place for a Teams meeting. Where can I go, and does it cost anything?
Please contact the harbor office or the info desk, and we'll see what can be arranged!
23. Can I rent the bicycle with the trailer attached?
Bicycles with trailers are for the use of Örö staff or the island's artist residency and are not available for rent.
24. We explored the island and saw several bunkers. Are we allowed to enter them?
You may enter the bunkers at your own risk!
25. Why can't I book a sauna session for tomorrow through your reservation system?
The booking system for the next day closes in the evening to prevent double bookings. You can inquire about same-day or next-day availability by calling the info number: 040 144 7773.
26. Why am I not allowed to collect lilies of the valley, nettles, or stones?
Örö Fortress Island is one of southern Finland's most important sites for endangered species and habitats. Therefore, only mushrooms and berries may be collected.
27. Is sea kale edible, and can I pick some to taste?
Sea kale is edible, especially when young. However, it may not be collected on Örö, as it plays an important role in the coastal ecosystem.
28. We saw a dead seal on the shore. Why hasn't it been removed?
Carcasses are a natural part of the archipelago's ecosystem. A seal bite or carcass can cause a serious bacterial infection known as "seal finger," so it's best to keep curious children at a distance. Carcasses can be reported to the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) via their website: https://lomakkeet.luke.fi/hylje.
29. The cows looked aggressive. Is it safe for the nature trail to pass through the grazing area?
The cows are used to people and are not aggressive. However, younger calves may be curious and want to approach and investigate. Large animals approaching can sometimes feel intimidating.
30. Our boat is too large for the guest harbor. Can we dock in the northern harbor?
The northern dock is primarily for the use of the Finnish Defence Forces and Metsähallitus. You may inquire with Metsähallitus about any exceptions.
31. Do we need to bring our own towels for the sauna?
The sauna rental includes a seat cover, but not a towel. Towels can be rented separately when booking online or at the harbor office. Public sauna sessions do not include seat covers.
32. Where can I find a digital map of Örö? It doesn't seem to be on your website.
The map and other interesting information can be found on Metsähallitus' Luontoon.fi website: https://www.luontoon.fi/oro.